I cant believe that Ines did a straight 36 hours in the editing studio on Tuesday and then when straight out and danced Tango for 3 hours in Guildford. Ines wanted to deliver a client’s wedding video to her before the weekend, and in a final push to meet the customer’s requirement pushed on for 36 hours. This is absolutely amazing as if I don’t get 8 hours sleep per night I am totally wasted the following day.
I sat and watched some of the wedding video with her and I am truly amazed at how artistic and stylish her wedding videos get. She did a great film sequence of Great Fosters, and I have suggested she contact Great Fosters to see if she can become their recommended wedding videographer, or at least have her wedding show reel on their website.
I have been busy with work projects and have finally finished upgrading some of the AIX servers at work, so a couple days break and then I start another AIX upgrade project.
This week saw me visiting the knee consultant to discuss my injured knees, and I have to admit the consultants on the NHS have very little interest in either your well being or injuries, guess if you were a private patient things would be different. He advised me he could not see any issues with the ligaments or cartilage but the issue was behind my kneecap. Current recommendation 6 weeks physiotherapy and then review if keyhole surgery is required.
I can at least keep up the gym work, but no more rowing or stepper, so I will be focusing more on the mountain biking around Box hill and Dorking for the foreseeable future.
Saturday I am trail riding with friends in Hampshire and will try and take the still and video camera with me… until next time
Related articles
- Choosing a Wedding Videographer for Your Wedding Video (videoeditingsystem.wordpress.com)
- Wedding Fare 2010 – Nonsuch Mansion (visavideo.co.uk)
- Wedding Videos in London by Vis-a-Video (pro-tel.co.uk)
- Notley Abbey – Wedding Venue near Oxford (visavideo.co.uk)